"We welcome all students and their families who share or respect our Catholic faith, values and traditions. Catholic education is supported by State and Federal funding, with families contributing the balance of the cost of educating their children. At times, some families are unable to meet their commitment to the full costs of education. As a Catholic school system, we ensure fee relief mechanisms are available to support families in time of need. We encourage these discussions on enrolment or as these needs emerge.”
Family Tuition Fee
This fee is charged on a family basis. In 2025 it will be $1060 per year. This may be payable in weekly, fortnightly or quarterly instalments. Funds from the Family Tuition Fee provide the bulk of our local contribution towards to the cost of the day to day operation of the school. The State and Commonwealth Governments also provide funds for this purpose.
Family Capital Fee
This fee is charged on a family basis and is $290 per family.
Funds from the Family Capital Fee assist in meeting the building and grounds improvements and maintenance. This fee is payable in the same way as the Family Tuition Fee.
Technology Fee
This fee is charged on a per student basis and is $100 per student.
Funds from the Technology Levy go towards the purchase of notebooks, hardware, software, licences and maintenance of these items.
Student Fee
This fee is charged on a per student basis and is $260.
Funds from the Student Fee go towards the cost of student requisites for class and school programs throughout the year, Life Education Van and minor excursion costs. There is also provision for purchasing library stock and replacements.
Swimming Fee
This fee is charged on a per student basis and is $90.
All students attend swimming lessons at Kyneton in Term 4. This fee is subsidised by Commonwealth funding.
Additional Fees for Camp and Individual devices apply for students from Years 3 - 6. Camp is undertaken annually and devices are purchased in Year 3.
CSEF (Camps, School Excursion Fund) applications are available annually, for those families with a valid Health Care Card.
Family Fee Assistance is also offered for those families with a valid Health Care Card.
Payment Options
1. Direct Debit (preferred method) Forms are available from the office. This service will draw from your nominated account (either credit card or savings) on a regular basis as nominated by you.
2. Cash or EFTPOS - available at the office
3. Internet Banking (Direct debit). You can transfer money directly into the schools bank account from your account. BSB 083 004 Acc 71-143-7401. If you choose this method, please ensure that your name and/or account number are on the deposit.
Full collection is essential for St. Michael’s to remain financially viable. It is the expectation that every family will fulfil their school fee commitments. When school fee payments are creating hardship, parents are requested to make an appointment with the principal to arrange a suitable repayment schedule.